You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great!

Unlock your highest potential and thrive to be the best version of yourself...

You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great!

Unlock your highest potential and thrive to be the best version of yourself...

Making online fitness training truly personal

You are unique, and so should be your fitness journey. I am here to help you achieve your goals through the most personalised training experience possible. Fitness is more than just workouts - what you do, what you eat, how you feel, how you sleep - everything is equally important. Together, you and I will focus on all aspects of your health. Whether you are at home, in the gym, or on the road - I will be part of your fitness journey. I will be there to guide you through tough times, to check your form on video calls, to celebrate your wins, and to be on top of all the last-minute schedule changes.

My Plans

Shredded by Summer

Shredded by Summer

Are you ready to shed off that winter layer and show off the muscles you built during this season? Well, I know I am! Let's work together on shredding and maintaining the muscle mass we created. A lot of times, we tend to lose muscle while trying to lose fat... I'm here to help you maintain your hard work and lose the unwanted fat by creating a calorie deficit meal plan that focuses on protein, healthy fats, and healthy carbs. This workout program will get you out and active. Whether you workout in the gym, outdoor, or at home, I have the best workout plan for you! Cardio and weight lifting will help support the maintenance of muscle mass in this program. Now, let's get shredded by summer!

Personalised fitness plan with video demonstrations & instructions to perform

Personalised meal plan & recipes

Regular progress check-ins

Regular updates in plans based on your progress

24/7 chat support

for 3 Months
Tone and Tighten to the Core

Tone and Tighten to the Core

They say abs are made in the kitchen, and that is partly true because abs become more visible when we lose enough of the fat layer that covers them up. However, working out the core muscles is very essential to strengthen those muscle that hold our whole body together. A strong core and ab muscles will allow us to perform better in other workouts and reduce pressure buildup in our lower back. Strengthening the ab muscle will not only make them aesthetically enhanced but will also make our body stronger and more held together. This workout program is designed to help you strengthen your core muscles to make those abs more visible with the help of a nutritional program for fat loss.

Personalised fitness plan with video demonstrations & instructions to perform

Personalised meal plan & recipes

Regular progress check-ins

Regular updates in plans based on your progress

24/7 chat support

for 2 Months
30 Day Kickstarter - Beginner Program

30 Day Kickstarter - Beginner Program

Are you new to the gym scene? Does it feel a little overwhelming? That's okay, we have all been new to the scene at some point! I wish i had someone to guide me back when I started my fitness journey 11 years ago... Luckily you have landed on my page! I am not only a fitness trainer, I am also a teacher who has her way of sharing knowledge and experience with others. So I am here to start you on this beautiful fitness journey and to guide you through it all. This program will put you on the right track to improve your physical and mental awareness in fitness and nutrition! once you finish this program and are ready to level up, I will have a more advanced level program awaiting for you.

Personalised fitness plan with video demonstrations & instructions to perform

Personalised meal plan & recipes

Regular progress check-ins

Regular updates in plans based on your progress

24/7 chat support

for 1 Month
Grow and Glow

Grow and Glow

A gym based program to help you gain muscle mass and reach your highest potential in strength training...This program includes a personalized nutritional plan combined with a workout plan to promote steady muscle growth.

Personalised fitness plan with video demonstrations & instructions to perform

Personalised meal plan & recipes

Regular progress check-ins

Regular updates in plans based on your progress

24/7 chat support

for 8 Weeks
Meal Plan

Meal Plan

Custom Meal Plan based on your current state and fitness goals.

for 1 Month
Fit From Home

Fit From Home

Too busy to go the gym? I got you covered! This workout program will allow you to create changes in your physique at the comfort of your own home. With the use of a few workout tools and resistance bands, you will be able to tone your muscles and grow using amazing workout techniques such as time under tension, repetitions till failure, isolation workouts and slow controlled movements. Get your little station ready, invite your spouse, and your kids to join you as you workout and thrive for a better you!

Daily workout program to follow

Video demonstrations & instructions to perform exercises

Nutrition Plan to follow and food logging option

Regular progress check-ins

Weekly check in video call to asses progress

24/7 chat support

for 3 Months
The Real Life Mommy Makeover

The Real Life Mommy Makeover

This program is designed to help mommas get back into the groove after carrying a baby for 9 months and recovering from labor. This program will promote fat loss and muscle gain to reshape and tone your body in a safe manner after pregnancy. The changes our bodies go through are amazing so we deserve to find ourselves again after labor. These workouts and meal plans are based on my own personal experience as a momma of two who managed to lose the baby weight and gain back my muscles within 6 months of postpartum! Now, remember every body is different, but I'm here to guide you through it all... the good days and the bad days! Get cleared by your doctor to get back up and moving, and I'll be here to hold your hand momma!

Daily workout program to follow

Video demonstrations & instructions to perform exercises

Nutrition Plan to follow and food logging option

Regular progress check-ins

Weekly check in video call to asses progress

24/7 chat support

for 90 Days

Diala (De-ya-la)

NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Specialist

When it comes to health and fitness, I believe in sustainability over all else! Sure, a "12-week program, a 1-month challenge, or a 90-day transformation", will work and cause changes if followed correctly... but by the end the challenge, what changes did you sustain, what did you learn about yourself? and what's next? When working with clients, I like to build from the ground up. Instead of handing you a meal plan, I teach you how to become an expert at understanding your needs and assessing your portions. Building a foundation for a healthy lifestyle is far more important than handing you the plan. So as your coach, I will work with you on assessing your needs and wants and creating the balance needed to achieve the best version of yourself. No matter what your goals look like, there is a place for you here.

Diala (De-ya-la)

Complete personalised fitness solution

One-to-one Video Calls

Connect with me over one-to-one video calls to discuss your goals, progress, techniques and more.

Compliance Tracking

Build long term healthy habits with weekly and monthly compliance trends for workouts, nutrition and everything else.

Wearable Integration

Connect your wearable device with the app to track your daily activity levels and workout metrics like heart rate and calories burnt.

Weekly Check-ins

Check-in with weekly photos and measurements to keep track of your progress. Make amends whenever required.

Personalised Workouts

Get frequent tweaks on your workout plan based on your heart rate, feedback and of course, your schedule & preferences.

Customised Nutrition

Get meal plans based on your dietary preferences. I will constantly update your plan to ensure you get to eat what you like while keeping it healthy.

It's time for you to take control of your lifestyle...

Adopt a growth mindset and watch your life evolve !